Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another Body in the Valley

Another body in the Valley…

It is an excellent title for a thriller isn’t it?

Today was supposed to be the commemoration day for the assassination of Gebran Tueini, who was killed two years ago…his body was found in the valley…

Today another body was found in a valley…Francois Hage…

Who killed him? It depends on which TV station you are watching…

Why he was killed? It depends on the politicians you are listening to…

The only thing all agreed on was that Francois Hage was the prime candidate to become the next chief of the Army…

And the movie goes on…

Once I met Danis Tanovic in Sarajevo, I told him how much I was impressed by his movie “NO MAN’S LAND”…

Maybe if I meet him again, he will be telling me how much he is impressed by the Lebanese thriller, our national production, “NO MAN’S NATION”

God save Lebanon!!!


Blogger Emil , Jerusalem said...

First of all, let his soul rest in Heaven.

And when we throw away the bias and the propaganda - the only thing we must think about :

Who gains from this death ?
Qui prodest ?

And despite all, merry Xmas ...

3:08 AM  

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