When I am a lemon tree

And because I am the nicest person on earth I could not refuse the DEMAND of the most loving person on earth…
This is the monologue of an earthly grounded lemon tree…
I grew up in this neighborhood…
Behind me a grey wall…not very talkative…sometimes bitter…and sometimes surprisingly sweet… but always reliable…It always provided me with the security I needed…
On my right side…an olive tree…we are cousins…we have a lot in common…our passion to serve others and make them happy is great…Who has ever complained about a perfect lemon and olive oil dressing?
But have you ever thought how much pressure does the olive tree put on the lemon tree?
The lemon tree always feels that its resources are limited…that its horizons are restricted…compared to the olive tree…
Many times I get frustrated…why can’t I be like the olive tree with its unlimited use, with its indefinite utility?
But then again I remind myself that I am a lemon tree…which is different than an olive tree…which means I have a different life to live…
They see my lemons…They think I am old…but I am not…
I am a baby tree…who always needs to be taken care of with maybe sometimes sweet little compliments like you smell nice today…
What I hate the most is when people stop looking at me when I lose all my lemons…
Without my lemons…do I lose my charm?
I always forget that there are times where I do not carry lemons…but that doesn’t mean that I do not exist anymore…or that I should feel sad…
But I always do the same mistake…I fall into the trap of the seasons…
I should keep reminding myself that I will always carry lemons…the old ones go…new ones blossom…
When I am down, when I am sad…just a look to the blue sky above me changes everything…
A look from above is what I need to fill my branches with life again…
I am sitting here for years…at the entrance of this wonderful restaurant…
Some notice my existence…others are completely indifferent to my presence…
Some love to sit under my branches…others prefer the coziness of the pizza oven…
I love people…I love their enthusiasm…their energy…
I feel happy when I am surrounded with people…
I feel delighted to see smiles around me…
I exist because people exist around me…
I am a green lemon tree with a mission to conquer the world…even if I am grounded on this little piece of land…
My branches reach high…I can’t live if my expectations are low…
I will have to bear the heavy consequences of this ambition…but at least I won’t surrender to my limited resources…
I will fight till the winds break my branches…
I am the green lemon tree of Beirut…