Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Questions about Peace

I always imagined bulldozers on the borders between Lebanon and Israel removing the fences…opening the road of peace…

But bulldozers can’t be used for peace…

In the Middle East we use bulldozers to demolish Palestinian houses…
In the Middle East we use bulldozers to drive over Israelis…

In the Middle East we wake up every day trying to have a normal life…

In the Middle East we go to bed every night with a new tragedy in our memory…

In the Middle East we spend the day trying to hate the enemy more and more…

How will a Middle East without the conflict look like?

When will it be the time to agree on ending the conflict?

What is it that we are waiting for?

Who will lead the signing of the Golden treaty, the treaty of all treaties to start a new era?

Where will the new capital of the peaceful Middle East be?

Why is it so difficult for some people to imagine life without an enemy?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pain in Israel...Joy in Lebanon

I know many are waiting for my comments on the exchange that happened between Israel and the Hezbollah…

I couldn’t write yesterday…I had mixed feelings…

I didn’t know which binocular to use…The human rights one or the political one…or the nationalist one…

I think I let my feelings talk more than my analytical abilities…

It was sad to see the two black coffins of the Israeli soldiers…That feeling took me by surprise…

I felt the same when I saw the wooden coffins of the Hezbollah fighters…That feeling took me by surprise too…

I understood the depth of hatred when I saw on the television the banner: Pain in Israel…Joy in Lebanon…

I was surprised to see how things don’t change in the Middle East: Samir Kuntar after 30 years in prison…getting ready for “martyrdom” …

Definitely, I did not sense that this was the last chapter of the prisoners’ saga…That this was a huge rock that was moved away from the Lebanese-Israeli track…

My eyes were more focused on the Syrian-Israeli and Iranian-American tracks…This is where you see the benefits of the exchange…

I couldn’t but wonder that maybe the Israeli society should really rally for the end of the occupation…

The occupation has only brought wars, fear and sorrow for the Israeli society…Is there worse than that?

Is it better to live in a land of fear or in a shared land?

Yesterday the banner should have been: Pain for Humanity...Joy for Death...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Morning Coffee with You

Good morning…Coffee on your side…Screen in your face…

What are you reading?

Someone’s thoughts…Someone’s feelings…Someone’s “etat d’ame”

But for sure…

Whenever I am writing I have you in mind…

How does it happen?

I don’t force it...It just happens…You are the driving force…

I imagine your facial expressions at each word and each idea…

I can see your eyes…chasing each sentence…trying to reach the bottom…

I know you are the only one getting all the hidden messages…

And that keeps me writing…

I am not expecting anything in return…that will be a painful thing to do…

I am just enjoying knowing that you are reading…

Meeting you…I do that in my head…everyday…

You know what you mean to me…

You are the reason why I still write about peace in the Middle East…

You shaped a new me…

You…my readers…you keep a smile on my face...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Mass depression

In a few days we will all witness the prisoners-coffins swap between the state of Israel and the Iranian militia-the Hezbollah…

Undermining the existence of strong state institutions in Lebanon is what brings Israel and Syria together…because Lebanon is their neglected backyard where they dump everything that bothers them…

Suddenly now, everybody is convinced that the Shebaa farms are Lebanese and the state of Israel is ready to withdraw from that part and put it under the UN control…


So, Israel and Syria will sign a peace treaty…

Are the Israelis ready to see Saudis in Tel Aviv?

How about Lebanese filmmakers getting money from Israeli producers?

Can the Middle East survive without the Arab-Israeli conflict?

Who will take care of us after the shock of the peace?
Who will cure us of the peace trauma?

The Israel-Syria peace treaty will definitely cause a mass depression among the citizens of the Middle East…It is not easy to cope with the loss of a very dear figure…belligerence