Saturday, February 03, 2007

An idea

Today while sitting in bed and nagging how I ended up with pneumonia, an idea came to my mind…

Well I was watching tv, the anchor was quoting from the Israeli newspapers…
In the same time I was reading on the bottom of the screen: The Israeli media said this and this… The Israeli newspaper Haaretz divulged this and this…

So, the idea that came to my mind was…If we are quoting newspapers and so on why don’t we watch the Israeli TV too?

Why is it still forbidden to have the Israeli channels on our satellite channels?

I want to see our enemies…not just read them…

My mom’s grandfather lived long enough for me to remember him…He was one of the lucky people that escaped and survived the Armenian genocide…

He used to tell us: “You have to know your enemy…and for that you have to learn your enemy’s language and culture”… He made his kids learn Turkish…


Blogger sassy said...

Interesting how you use the word enemy to describe Israel, that for me is the real problem with arab land, you all act like piece of dirt we all live on is yours or there etc, instead of choosing democracy as your goal etc. If your govt cannot control extremists then your citizens live in unrest and war. Isnt high time your country left tribal mentality for the sake of your children

11:37 AM  
Blogger raffi.aida said...

I don't think there wiil be any peace with Israel.Because they are so many back minded people in the middle east.

1:57 PM  
Blogger sassy said...

After meeting israel girls on a world tour, and know arabs also i have to disagree, I find those from israel to be far more intelligent that arabs.
I also believe Muslims will destroy your land , not Israel, for Islam is the work of the beast

10:09 PM  
Blogger Laury Haytayan said...

raffi and aida welcome welcome...i am happy that u finally joined me on this blog...

Sassy...soon there will be a surprise for all those who read my blog...another joint blog with a dear friend of mine...

12:59 AM  
Blogger raffi.aida said...

Sassy I lived in Lebanon and grow-up with Lebanese Muslims and worked with them there are very good and honest people in them and they all want piece and prosperity but unfortunatily some they have hate in them.
I also where I live at the present time I know many Israelies and even work with them they also are nice and good people but unfortunatily some of them they have hatred against Arabs. I'm personaly like to see these two cultures have piece and live together,afterall they came from the same background "they are brothers and sisters".

4:43 PM  
Blogger sassy said...

You know if I truly believed that could happen I would be very very happy. However none of the "moderate muslims" in Australia are stopping or speaking out against the extremists who currently spread hate via Mosques in our country. They live in fear possibly but ultimately they say nothing. Yes some agree behind closed doors and some may not want Shari here either, but again this is possibly said behind closed doors. I read this recently and it really does simplfy it for me.

Bernard Lewis notes an essential difference between Christianity and Islam regarding government and religion. Jesus of Nazareth, the founder of the Christian faith, said, "Give to Caesar what belongs to him. But everything that belongs to God must be given to God
For much of history, this has been understood as recognizing the existence of two distinct authorities, one spiritual and the other political.

I have no issues with Muslims who follow our law above the Koran. Christianity allows one to do that.
Islam true form does not.
Lunatic Clerics don't preach moderate muslim, they incite hate and fear. If that is not enough to questions ones faith I really dont know what will.

If your interested check this site out

10:38 PM  
Blogger raffi.aida said...

The day that you see the Arabs go to the street speak against the extremist and the terrorism the peace will come, only than the world will have rest.yes ,your right they agree behind closed doors, but eventualy they will come out, because they are hated all over the world this days and they are fed-up.

7:13 PM  
Blogger sassy said...

I totally agree raffi, that would bring world peace, if a christian nutter starting sprouting off Id be telling everyone hes not a man of god and to denounce that person, not the faith but to denounce their alliance to extremist who is terrorising the world. Everyone is entitled to thier own "spiritual authority", that is democracy.

10:09 PM  

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