Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Arab Peace Camp

Where are they?
Those who want to make peace with Israel…
Either they are non-existent or they are hiding…
If they are non-existent…we are in a bad shape…we are definitely in trouble…
If they are hiding…It is time to come forward…
Why is that?
Because it is only when we will have a Peace Camp on the Arab side that we can connect to the somehow existent Peace Camp in Israel and only then we can cooperate with them to form a kind of Lobby for peace.

Peace will never come from the US, or the UN, or the Europeans…
Peace will only come from the Middle East…
Peace will only come from the People of the Middle East…

So, where are all the hidden Arab peace agents?
Where are all those Arabs who have been in touch with Israelis and expressed their sincere wishes of peace between Arabs and Israelis?
Where are all those Arabs who have met Israelis and discovered that they had many things in common?
Where are all those Arabs who have shared visions of peace with Israelis either over breakfast, or lunch or dinner?

Where is the Arab Peace Camp?


Blogger sassy said...

Why are arab nations so tribal?
Why do you all hate eachother enough to allow extreme islamic terrorists to create a war where you the citizen perish in their religous war? I really don't understand.

2:06 PM  

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