Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bad movie

I didn’t wish to start the new year with bad news or with negative comments on the blog…but what can I do…I live in the Middle East

Ah yes the good news is that we got rid of Saddam Hussein…

In Beirut…

The Lebanese are still watching the bad, very bad movie called “No government…yes International Tribunal”…

Well many are leaving the cinema…they are getting bored of this stupid movie…They prefer to go to a nice restaurant…have a good laugh and ignore the bitter reality…

Come on…the actors are far away from being credible…All of them…
Very bad actors…

The scenario is hysterically awful…
Repetitive…far away from being creative…
Come on…what is this: “we want to rescue Lebanon”… “only we know how to protect Lebanon”… we know what is best for Lebanon”… “we hold the truth”… we uncovered the conspiracy”…
However…they all agree that they LOVE LEBANON…

Well, they are all destroying Lebanon in the name of this love…

Please stop loving Lebanon…


Blogger Paloma said...

we, in Spain, had another bad movie in december 30th.
Some people from eta decided that they wanted to stop the cease fire and they exploted a hugh bomb in the terminal 4th of the international barajas airport.
It was so sad, because this time we thought was going to be the good one to end with the terrorist attack. this time the prime minister zapatero had bet for dialogue intead of repression, the society was prepared but the political parties were not.
The opposition had attacked the peace process since the beginning, and ETA gave them enough reason to ask for a change of government.
So happy and sad 2007 for the spanish people, thousands of people will continue with the private security, from the highest instances to the local administration, university teachers, writers and philosophers, cookers, busisness people. The basque country will lose all its prosperity and dreams, the tourist will dessapear from this area, and the multinational corporations wont invest in this region.
They throught the colective ilusion and the social dream away, and they are just a small number of people.
Violence can not be the solution the young people dont deserve this situation.
The good people are more than the bad ones, but our problem many times is that we dont know how to be togetherand get involved. the future is in the society if the society things that peace is possible and that it is the only way to live then society will fight to get it.
2007 must be our year

5:33 PM  

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