Saturday, January 06, 2007

New Year Predictions

With the end of the year and beginning of a new year…astrologists, fortune-tellers, crystal ball readers and so on become the stars of our days and nights…

We see them on every television station, on every newspaper and magazines predicting and warning us of what the New Year will be carrying…

One interesting Lebanese guy is Michel Hayeck…this guy is different than the others…he has visions of events…So every year we the Lebanese wait impatiently for Michel Hayeck to share his visions with us…

But something strange happened to me last night…I had a vision…a very clear one but very weird…that of course I would love to share with you…

The vision goes as follows and please as Hayeck says don’t interrupt me…

I see a new Israeli government headed by Tzipi Livni…
I see a new foreign minister: Mr. Dan Gillerman…
I see a new minister of defense or as we like to call it in Beirut the minister of war: Mr. Yossi Beilin
I see a new minister of education: Mr. Etgar Keret
I see a new minister of Immigrant Absorption: Mr. Azmi Bechara
I see a new minister of Peace Education For Real: Mr. David Grossmann
I see a new minister of Arab-Israeli Relations: Mr. Zvi Yehezkeli
I see a new minister for National Infrastructures: Mr. Hassan Nasrallah

Don’t blame me I got this vision last night…and believe me last night I had a great night and great food…


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