Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wonderful Park

How great it was this morning to learn from Haaretz that the Israelis and Syrians were holding secret “unofficial” peace talks for the past two years.

Oh and I really appreciated that the last round of talks was during the summer war in Lebanon…Oh maybe ethically the Syrians thought that it wasn’t nice for the Lebanese to be suffering under the Israelis bombs while they are having peace talks…

After all Hezbollah is an Iranian-Syrian puppet…and the last round of war was an Iranian-Syrian masterminded war…


So what is the name of the game???

Syrians are allowed to talk about their future with the Israelis…

Lebanese are forbidden to look into the eyes of an Israeli…of course if they meet any…

Syrians are allowed to have a joint park with the Israelis on the lake side…

Lebanese are allowed to have a bloodbath with the Israelis on the hill side…

Who is setting the rules of the game?

Enough of stupidity…

We want to have peace meetings with the Israelis…

That should be the new rule of the game, Mr. Seniora


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