Friday, January 12, 2007

Dinner and Politics

Yesterday night I had dinner with friends…and the main dish was the political situation in Lebanon, the Lebanon that we all love…either we were supporting the 8 March people or the 14 March people…

We all love Lebanon but we each have a different Lebanon…

Are you with an Iranian-supported Lebanon?
Are you with an American-supported Lebanon?

And by the way…forget about a Lebanese-supported Lebanon…

Unfortunately I have come to the conviction that we will never be an Independent country…

We will always be a satellite, an orbit, a buffer …a whatever you want to call it country…

One of the guys at the table (remember I had dinner with friends yesterday) said I am against all parties, I don’t trust them... ALL of them…Next year the US administration will change…and the new president will opt to negotiate with Syria and again we will be given to Syria…

Maybe he is right...


Now more than ever…we can not be neutral…we can not NOT take sides…I know it sounds shocking for some…but NO NO and NO…

We can not afford being neutral…

We have to take sides…

We are always in danger of being ON the table of negotiations instead of being around it…

And if we choose to be on the side of the Iranian-supported Lebanon…then for sure we will be ON the table of negotiations…

If we choose to be on the side of the American-supported Lebanon with a clear vision of our important role in the Middle East…then we will be around the table of negotiations…

Maybe for the first time…

P.S. The strategy of the 14 March people in becoming more aggressive and more extremists against Israel…just to justify themselves against Hezbollah is a stupid strategy…


Blogger sassy said...

Here is what the Sheik has had to say about Australia, on Egyptian television. ENOUGH.

Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali branded Australians liars and excused gang rapists in an interview aired on Egyptian television this week.

The controversial religious leader also claimed in the interview that Muslims had more right to live in Australia than those descended from convicts.

The sheik’s comments come just months after he compared scantily clad women to uncovered meat and said such women should blame themselves if they were raped.

“Their values [Australia’s] are upside down. They have no democracy, no freedom. They are the worst liars and unjust people,” the sheik said in the Arabic-language interview.

Alhilali also defended the Muslim men convicted of Sydney’s gang rapes, a position that has caused controversy in the past.

“They arranged to meet in a public park at 2 or 3 am in the morning, and it (the sex) was agreed on,” he said.

Alhilali also poured scorn on Australia’s convict history and seemed to suggest Muslims were in Australia long before the British settled here in 1788.

“Australia is no longer Anglo-Saxon. We’ve been in Australia longer than them. Islam is deep rooted in the Australian soil. Islam was here before the English fleet.”

The latest controversy angered commentators, who told A Current Affair the sheik promoted bigotry and hatred within his community.

Commentator Andrew Bolt told ACA that the sheik needed to be stopped.

“For more than 20 years he’s been saying things like this, and worse, and he’s still the leading mufti - the leading imam in Australia - what does it say about Muslims in Australia that this man continues after all he’s done to represent them,” Bolt said.

“He’s been protected by too many people for too long.”

The sheik is overseas and unavailable for comment.
Mecca can kiss my white anglo ass too

3:29 PM  
Blogger sassy said...

With each passing day, Islam is making inroads in both the traditionally Muslim lands as well as much of the non-Muslim world where Islam is beginning to run deep roots and vie with the laws and cultures of its hosts. Muslims are taking advantage of the freedom that democracies grant. They use the same provisions of the law that are intended to protect and enhance liberty to subvert democracy and freedom.

Islam is indeed a most dangerous comprehensive form of slavery. Its very name, Islam, means submission or surrender. True to its name, Islam strives for nothing short of enslavement of the body of humanity as well as the bondage of its mind. Complacency and appeasement on the part of free people can only serve Islam. There is no chance for co-existence with Islam. All one needs to know is to see what is happening in Islamic countries. That is exactly what is in store for the presently free people of the world if Islam is not held in check.

3:57 AM  
Blogger sassy said...

There is a hope that Muslims themselves may leave this Bedouin slaveholder cult. Yet the hope is slim. Islam has a stranglehold on its slaves and will neither let them go, nor do the Muslims seem to have the insight or the will to leave it in large numbers. But hope, as slim as it is, keeps me sounding the alarm before the fire of Islam engulfs us all.

Warning to free people: Don’t bank on the politicians, the master practitioners of the art of the politically correct, to protect liberty. Politicians must be urged by the citizens to protect liberty, scrutinize closely that they do the work, and are held accountable if they fail to do so. You, a citizen, also have a job to do. Take a few minutes a day away from watching television and take part some activity that safeguards freedom. “Freedom is not free,” may be a cliché. Yet, it is the most profound four word sentence in the lexicon of the free.”

3:58 AM  
Blogger MarxistFromLebanon said...

damn, that is my world with all those reactionary leaders on TV (the ones on Manar ot FUture), both bring me headaches, and problem is go convince their supporters about it who deny they are sectarian of course :)

4:17 AM  

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