Monday, December 25, 2006

The Peace Tale

I am back to my old obsession: the peace process in the Middle East…

As I mentioned previously in many of my posts I am in favor of a more assertive, more aggressive, more open role of the Lebanese government in the peace process with Israel…

I want to see the Lebanese government more active in coming forward with a vision for the future relations between Lebanon and Israel…

Ah!!! I am sure that the use of the words relations, Lebanon and Israel in the same sentence is already shocking for many…

But hey…The Palestinians are shaping their future with Israel…
The Syrians are begging day after day to renew peace talks with Israel…

So why should it be a crime for us if we do the same?

Why should Hezballah dictate its agenda on the whole country?

Finish!!! We had enough of fighting Israel…

I don’t get it…This whole conflict in the Middle East started because the Palestinians were kicked out of their land…

Now the Palestinians want peace with Israel…They accepted Israel as their neighbor

So, what is making us refuse that? What gives Hezballah the right to oppose that?

Why am I writing all this now?

Well, because I don’t feel comfortable when I see that Israel and Syria will renew the peace talks…and we the Lebanese are left on the side…are used as a battlefield…are seeing our country being deteriorated…when others are working on building a better future for themselves…


Blogger sassy said...

Hezballah wants domination, it is upto your country to decide if you are dictated too or choose to follow the path of freedom. Hezballah is prepared to sacrifice peace for domination. Beats me why any country would side with any extremist intent on causing pain and bloodshed..

2:05 PM  
Blogger Paloma said...

I think it is a very good position to begin to think about speaking and dealing instead of using the last conflicts like a way to abort any kinf of dialogue.
some people must to undestrand that it is no possible a good development for that area if some use weapon to impose their ideas or life styles, development must be a priority using dialogue between enemies to construct the way of peace for future friends
In 1950 two countries, enemies in the past, France and Germany, decided to build a comunity of peace for the european continent, many people told about them that they were crazy, that people were not going to forget the pain and the hurt of the past, but others, specially those young ones decide that they deserve a better way of living and working, that the future generations deserve the right of living in peace and look now 27 countries in the same comunity.
Your process needs courage people, those who want to build a better future for the next generations, because they dont deserve another war in the next 20 years.
From Spain

5:29 PM  

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