Snake of Damascus
Because Lebanon was always the scapegoat, the victim of the Americans, Israelis, Syrians and practically all the Arab countries when the time for a deal stroke…
But this time, I am with the Americans…I am glad they are forcing the Israelis not to negotiate with the Syrians…
We all know in the region why Syria is pretending to want to resume negotiations with Israel…
Nobody is fooled…except obviously some naïve Israelis…
The Golan Heights…Syrians care less about it…
It is more lucrative for them to get Lebanon back…
And this is what they will be doing if God forbids negotiations are resumed…
The settlement will be: keep the Golan Heights under the Israeli control (I am sure there are very creative lawyers and politicians that will come up with a creative deal about that) and “en contre-partie” the Syrians get back Lebanon, they bring in order again, they destroy Hezbollah (Syrians are experts in mass killing…)
And voila…peace is made…and guess what?
Soon you will see Bashar Assad getting the Noble Peace Prize…
OH NO!!!
I am so happy, delighted, jubilant, thrilled….that the Americans are preventing the Israelis from resuming negotiations with the Snake of Damascus…