Monday, February 19, 2007

Bawabet Fatmeh

Yesterday evening I went to see a play: “Bawabat Fatmeh”… “La porte de Fatma”… “Fatma’s door”...
It is the first cultural representation of the Summer War 2006 between Israel and the Hezbollah…

It was a confusing play…

The scenes were very clear, very funny, very sad and very well acted…In that sense it was a pleasure to watch the actor and the two actresses moving “sur scene”…

From the beginning, it was clear that the play was against Israel…It even went back to 100 years ago…the land was stolen by the Israelis…

There was a very powerful scene were the Christian mother that lost her son in sea… (a fisherman that might have been kidnapped by the Israelis) curses the Israelis, wishes them the worse death ever…

This was a very significant scene implying that “hating the Israelis” is not a Shiite thing but a national feeling…Even Christians in Lebanon hate Israelis…

But there was one confusing scene for me…where I felt I was getting hidden messages… and that I liked a lot…

The scene that I really liked was when an old man trapped under the rubble of his house in the South after the Israelis bombed it started talking to himself…
The monologue:
“What will I do if an Israeli soldier comes in?
I will pretend that I am dead
No, I will ask him to recite a poem…and I will answer him with a poem…
If he recites a poem; than there might still be hope…
Because whoever is interested in poetry cannot be a killer”

Even though there is an IF…there is a hope that we might have peace one day between the two people…

Even though there is an IF…the author is implying that the true peace will be the peace between people…

Exchange of cultural knowledge between the two people is an important door for peace…
Meeting the other on cultural level is a huge step towards knowing the other and perhaps liking the other and seeing the other as a human, as a person, as a partner…

IF…if…if… People could only meet and learn to know each other….

Again and again…I feel I am repeating myself…but I don’t mind…
Again and again…I ask myself: “Is peace with Israel a priority to the Lebanese now with everything that is happening in the country?”…

I am thinking of not using the word peace anymore…at least for a while…


Blogger Unknown said...

Well, I didn’t know my prayers would be that heard soon from London.
Anyways, whether you used the P word or not, I just want to tell you that I miss you a lot and looking forward to see you soon!
I hope I was watching this play with you as much I was wishing to watch.
Take care my love and see you soon
Your husband
: )

4:30 AM  

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