Sunday, September 17, 2006

Samurai Peace Activists

The last battle scene of “The Last Samurai” has inspired me today…How is that? How come a peace activist is inspired by a war scene?
Well, of course I will tell you…

The last battle of the Samurai was an unequal fight…The army had machine guns and the Samurai had swords…Then this analogy came to my mind…

Peace activists are like the Samurai…fighting against powerful, almighty and heavily militarized institutions.

Heavy are the losses and the feeling of ineffectiveness is always chasing the Samurai peace activists.

But they continue fighting with grace and passion…

Peace activists are breakers of chains and barriers…

Peace activists see the beauty of human beings…

Peace activists appreciate diversity…

Peace activists put a humane face to the supposed or so-called “ENEMY”…

Peace activists are passionate…they adore life…

Peace activists are the heroes of life…

In the last scene of “The Last Samurai”, the emperor asks Tom Cruise about his master and teacher who died on the battlefield…
Emperor: “Tell me how he died”
Tom Cruise: “I will tell you how he lived”

Peace activism has become a high risk job…
Well, if I die on the battlefield…It doesn’t matter how I die…

However, I want people to remember how I lived…searching for peace…passionately…


Blogger Laury Haytayan said...

hey rain bo....

Passion is is the driving force of every successful act

7:06 AM  

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