Saturday, September 09, 2006

Peace is a feeling

"The road to security passes through peace. There is no road to peace that passes through security". I read this statement in an article by Galtung who is the father of peace studies.

Two words interested me Security and Peace.

I always believed that security is a feeling. In Iraq 2005, I never felt insecure…Imagine

Israel is the most powerful military force in the Middle East and its people is feeling insecure…Imagine

I am coming to a realization that peace is a feeling as well.
And that is the strongest feeling…Imagine

Yes, imagine that an Israeli is able to empathize with a Lebanese during the fiercest moments of the war…what do you call that?

Imagine a Lebanese making an Israeli feel peaceful…what do you call that?

There is no road to peace that passes through coward people. The road to peace passes though creative people.

Creativity and the will for peace can shake and move mountains


Blogger Emil , Jerusalem said...

Hi , Laury

>Yes, imagine that an Israeli is able to empathize with a Lebanese during the fiercest moments of the war…what do you call that?

-I think , that an average Israeli has an empathy to Lebanon and its people. We distinguish Lebanon and Hizballa. No one was happy about Qana.

Best regards ,


12:06 PM  

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