Tuesday, September 19, 2006

God and delegation of power

What is happening to the world? What is happening to people?

God, wherever you are I think it is time for you to show up and talk to these people, to the world…to your people…

I think people are really abusing you and they are really taking advantage of your absence…Delegation has turned out to be a bad strategy…

What, you are shocked? Hey aren’t you watching the news? What else do you have up?...
Well, I do not believe that you are writing these awful deadly scripts of the human beings of the 21 century…

Hey God, it is really getting bad…unlike you I am spending a lot of time watching television…and guess what I have seen today…

On BBC, I watched a report about Christian Kids Jihadists in the US…believe me, yes a school where kids learn to die for the sake of Christ, to counter-balance the Islamic Jihadists Kids…

I was shocked hey but nothing is compared to what I saw on ARTE…

Are you sure you want to know?
Well, I watched a documentary on Jesus Revolutionary Army in Oslo…I will just stop here…

God I am telling you believe me it is about time for you to show up…

Your chosen people, your holy trinity people, your jihadist people… They are all gone crazy…they are all killing in your name…

God, it is not that I know you that much, we were never that close, we were never best friends but from what I have heard about you…You are good…You are beautiful, You are light…

Believe me God your people(s) are being exactly the opposite…bad, ugly and dark

Hey, it is about time to end your long vacation…and get down to business


Blogger Élan Vital said...

He/She is very aware of the situation in my humble opinion. God is every breath we take, in every Beethoven note, and every dream. I hope to God that you can stay positive and keep your faith in peace in this environment. Be Good, Be God.

11:33 PM  
Blogger Laury Haytayan said...

I will always be positive...even though I dont always believe in the wisdom of the human being
And R, thanks i wish that tooooooo

6:40 AM  
Blogger The Human Product said...

That was a courageous call
Not sure, you are calling the right person
I guess the problem is not with him

Although I m not a follower & I disagree with him in most of his idea’s but I guess he is worth mentioning now when he said: (Our attachment to what’s in the sky, made us lose what’s on ground) Anton Saade.

well, god is great, precious, loved & the most important thing in life...keep him/her at home, isnt that what do you do to such stuff

3:39 AM  

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