Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bad news is good news

October 1994, Byblos, Lebanon
The first course on journalism at the university
Me, a shy smile on my face…yes imagine wanting to become the best war correspondent, a Christiane Amanpor alike and SHY??? Well that is nothing compared to the other contradictions in my personality…OK OK OK I have never pretended to be perfect and actually I do not wish to be perfect…that is boring…

Now back to the main point of this post…
I entered to class…history of communication or journalism..I don’t remember…
The lecturer looked at us and said: “Today and for the coming 3 or 4 years, you will learn how bad news is good news to journalists.”…

I always try to remember when that concept started, who enforced that BAD NEWS IS GOOD NEWS for journalists…but in vain, I must have missed class that day…

This is what we always hear on the news…killings, bombings, arrests, terrorist attacks, wars, genocide, Divine defamation, clashes…

What if we transform the news…to good news only???

I know what you are thinking…it will be boring…

I know what you are going to say…if we don’t cover the bad news then those committing atrocities will get away with their crimes…

Ha..I have an answer to that…hearing about the bad news doesn’t mean that we are doing something to stop the acts…No reaction, no response to put an end to it…

Well, the only reaction or response to bad news is that we are zapping…searching for a comedy movie….

Oh I am so proud of myself…I just realized that I haven’t used the word P…(for those who didn’t get it I mean peace)…Well I have been accused of being obsessed with peace…


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