Monday, September 25, 2006

Bill Clinton, Me and Peace

I like Bill Clinton…well I shouldn’t because he cheated on his wife…but that is not my business…my business is peace…

Yes I like Bill Clinton because he reminds me of myself (my megalomania feeling strikes again!!).
He understands that the glorious way to enter in History is through creating peace in the Middle East…and that is what I believe in too…The greatest thing that I could do to be remembered after a thousand year is by contributing in creating a sustainable and BOILING peace in the Middle East…

So, the next logical question you might be asking yourself is: “Oh so she is doing whatever she is doing for glory not for the people!!”

Tricky question…well as the owner of the blog I choose not to answer to this question… I can see the smile on someone’s face (private joke)…

However, I am writing these words today because I am really worried…

For the past few days I have been reading the following in the newspapers:

1-Clinton announcing that within 60 days, there is going to be good news in the ME regarding peace

2-Peretz calling for negotiations with Syria

3-Abbas announcing that a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine is impossible without Syria

4-Syria begging for a come back to the table of negotiations with Israel

Where does this leave Lebanon???

HA!! Here comes the bad news: Lebanon will be ON the table of negotiations, instead of being around the table.

It means that once again Lebanon will be a playing card in the hands of all the main players…

That is why we Lebanese can not just sit back and declare that we will be the last country to sign a peace treaty with Israel…
We should have a plan, a strategy and a bargaining chip strong enough to reserve a place AROUND the table of negotiations…

Hey…Bahrain has declared its wish to normalize its relations with Israel…what does this make you think????

Wake up people…of Lebanon...we should stop being afraid….of the word peace with Israel or of the word normalization…

Hezbollah has been declaring that we won this bloody 33 day war…So it means that we can enter NOW into peace talks with Israel as long as we are strong and we defeated the almighty Israeli army….
Now it is the time…We are strong…(Isn’t that the logic of those refusing to start negotiations with Israel?? They don’t want to be the weakest party???)

NOW we are strong…. NOW is the time…


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