Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pain in Israel...Joy in Lebanon

I know many are waiting for my comments on the exchange that happened between Israel and the Hezbollah…

I couldn’t write yesterday…I had mixed feelings…

I didn’t know which binocular to use…The human rights one or the political one…or the nationalist one…

I think I let my feelings talk more than my analytical abilities…

It was sad to see the two black coffins of the Israeli soldiers…That feeling took me by surprise…

I felt the same when I saw the wooden coffins of the Hezbollah fighters…That feeling took me by surprise too…

I understood the depth of hatred when I saw on the television the banner: Pain in Israel…Joy in Lebanon…

I was surprised to see how things don’t change in the Middle East: Samir Kuntar after 30 years in prison…getting ready for “martyrdom” …

Definitely, I did not sense that this was the last chapter of the prisoners’ saga…That this was a huge rock that was moved away from the Lebanese-Israeli track…

My eyes were more focused on the Syrian-Israeli and Iranian-American tracks…This is where you see the benefits of the exchange…

I couldn’t but wonder that maybe the Israeli society should really rally for the end of the occupation…

The occupation has only brought wars, fear and sorrow for the Israeli society…Is there worse than that?

Is it better to live in a land of fear or in a shared land?

Yesterday the banner should have been: Pain for Humanity...Joy for Death...


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