Wednesday, October 18, 2006


You can’t talk about the Arab-Israeli conflict without bringing in the role of the United States…right? ... right

And because WE in the Middle East don’t know how to solve our problems by our own means… WE rely heavily on the United States to bring in peace… right? … right

So, WE have to understand what is going on in the United States to know what to expect in our REGION… right? … right

Religion and US Foreign Policy: this was the cover of the September/October Issue of the Foreign Affairs…

Page 38: ...”Evangelicals have recently returned to a position of power in US politics”…

Page 40: “For Evangelicals, the fact the Jewish people have survived through the millennia and that they have returned to their ancient home is proof that God is real, that the Bible is inspired, and that the Christian religion is true… The God of Abraham will literally bless the United States if the United States blesses Israel. They see in the weakness, defeats, and poverty of the Arab world ample evidence that God curses those who curse Israel… In standing by Israel, evangelicals feel that they are standing by God-something they are ready to do against the whole world.”

Need to say more???

You know what ?

I am not calling for God to come down and deal with this mess, because I am sure that even if God shows up…all his or her Jewish, Christian and Muslim followers will attack him or her…

WE are in the mode of Hatred in the name of God…that even if WE see God in person we will HATE him…

Blessed is the Middle East…


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