Friday, March 16, 2007

Curiosity Trips around the Middle East

Tzipi Livni again and again…

From Washington she called on all the Arab leaders not to wait for peace to normalize their relations with Israel…
She declared that peace will come after normalization…

We are back to an old never ending argument… what comes first…the egg or the hen?
What comes first peace or normalization?

For years Hafez Assad refused to show any sign of normalization with Israel until they sign the peace agreement…He refused even to let his foreign minister Faruq Sharaa’ shake hands with Ehud Barak in the last round of negotiations in 2000…

Another example for the dilemma of Peace or Normalization before is the “cold peace” between Egypt and Israel… and the “confused peace” between Jordan and Israel…

So you see both ways ended up in fiasco…

Don’t ask me why…I have no clue…

But I know that we shouldn’t keep the Peace v/s Normalization concept… It is not going anywhere…

Instead Tzipi Livni should have gone a step further and suggest “curiosity trips around the Middle East” where people from Israel and people from the Arab world under the supervision of the UN go on discovery trips…To discover the other side…

Without giving it any political connotation or anything…Just the “Curiosity Trips around the Middle East”


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