Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Segolene, Hillary, and Tzipi

I grew up in a family of 3 girls, a mom and a dad…
A dad that never was upset of not having sons…
A dad that encouraged us to say what we think and do whatever we want of course responsibly…

That up-bringing gave me the impression and the conviction that women can achieve anything they want in their life…No limits because they are women…
That up-bringing made me amazed and impressed with women in power, women-politicians…
That up-bringing makes me support Hillary Clinton, Segolene Royal and today I strongly support Tzipi Livni for taking over the prime minister job in Israel…

Tzipi Livni…I always had mixed feelings about her…

Well during the summer war in Lebanon, she didn’t show any sign of sympathy towards the people of Lebanon…Ok I understand her harsh remarks towards our prime minister but…what about us the people…

But what can I do…I can’t control it…. I enjoy listening to her talking; expressing her ideas without fear of offending anyone…She is sharp, very sarcastic, straight forward and a woman…

I like Tzipi Livni…I like to see her the next prime minister of Israel…


Blogger Boz said...

Well I think Livni has the best chance of the three you mentioned to actually winning any election. That being said, the fact that Royal and Clinton are where they are today is quite telling, regardless of whether they are ultimately successful.


2:08 PM  

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