Monday, March 12, 2007

Modified Arab Peace Initiative

End of March…The Arab Summit…

Usually these Arab summits are useless…and a waste of time for everybody…except of course for the Arab leaders…These summits will make them feel better…They make them feel they are accomplishing something….

Usually they are pre-staged and even the final outcome is known prior to the meeting…well Arab leaders don’t like to be embarrassed…and they don’t like surprises…They are dull…

But I would like to focus on some issues related to the March gathering…

For a while now, the Israeli media is talking about Bandar Bin Sultan (of Saudi Arabia) as being the main negotiator with the Israelis through the United States to modify the Arab Peace Initiative…

Interestingly enough…The Saudis have not denied that piece of information…
Interestingly enough…Tzipi Livni has been talking about a modified Arab Peace initiative for a while…
Interestingly enough…Ehud Olmert has been mentioning the Arab Peace Initiative more than once these days…

So, if the negotiations go well…The Arab summit will be dealing with a modified Peace Initiative…

Which means that we are all back on the table of negotiations to rescue whatever is left from the Middle East…

But again Lebanon will be the problem…What are we going to do with the Palestinian refugees…most of the camps are armed…What are we going to do with Hezbollah…fully armed…


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