Friday, March 09, 2007

Friday thoughts

I am not inspired at all these days…

I don’t know what to write about…

Nothing is clear in Beirut…

We, the people, as usual are the last ones to know what is happening in our country…

There are foreign mediators taking care of our own business…our political life…and that doesn’t bother us at all…

I am spending a lot of my time these days at starbucks…listening to other people’s conversations…

You feel that everything is normal…you don’t feel like you are living in a shattered, paralyzed country…

Should that make me feel comfortable? I don’t know…
Should that make me feel optimistic that the strength of this country is in the nonchalance of its people in facing catastrophes?

At this moment my only explanation to this phenomenon is that Lebanese have became used to disasters…and they are became used to the political private club games…

And they know that at the end of the day…these same corrupted politicians will be back together, exchanging kisses and laughter and launch and dinner…and the country will be ok again…

We live in an ongoing Broadway production…I think our play has last the longest…It is been ongoing since 1945…


Blogger raffi.aida said...

hello,you call it broadway,i call it one hour episodes on tv. the season it's far from ending, the ending wil be reveald around election time.

2:26 PM  

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