Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What a GREAT country

The first round of dialogue between our GREAT politicians last summer ended with the war between the IDF and Hezbollah…

Now we are witnessing another round of dialogue…Our GREAT speaker of the parliament Nabih Berri came up with this GREAT idea that our GREAT politicians should gather again around the GREAT table in the parliament to solve the country’s problems…

What a GREAT fiasco…

I was one of the many that were very optimistic when the first rounds of dialogue started last summer…I saw it as the most natural, normal and logical move after the drastic changes in the country.

But it turned out to be a masquerade…

It turned out to be a waste of time…

Our GREAT politicians agreed on many important issues related to the future of the country…but in vain…the result was an uncontrollable war…

Now, People have lost hope…I lost hope in these dialogue sessions at the parliament…

I am pretty sure that the result of the dialogue among our GREAT politicians will be a tremendous failure…

For two reaons…

1-Our GREAT politicians don’t trust each other…and instead of wasting their time (well maybe they have nothing better to do)…instead of wasting our time with futile subjects…They should start building trust between themselves…

Let Mr Berri start the dialogue sessions with trust building exercises…that will help a lot…

2-What they are doing will never succeed when one party is holding the gun in the face of the others…
To be clear…they will not get far in the discussions while Hezbollah is holding on to its arms…

That is basic…because the other party will feel less powerful and therefore more rigid in its position…and on the other side Hezbollah will be rigid in its position because he feels strong with its guns…

The solution for a successful ending for the dialogue…

It’s the weapons, you stupid!!!


Blogger MarxistFromLebanon said...

Actually the round table should be called the Poker table, even though all those politicians (both camps) just want more money on people's welfare...

6:05 AM  
Blogger Laury Haytayan said...

well, i agree is really shameful...and it is more shameful to see that still there are people who still believe in them...

12:06 PM  

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