Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tzipi Livni...end of part1

Tzipi Livni couldn’t form a government or refused to form a government…

You choose the version that you like depending on your position towards the chair of Kadima…

The year 2009 will resume with exciting events:
A new president in the White House
A new parliament in Israel…followed by a new government…
A new parliament in Lebanon…followed by a new dilemma…

New faces…old faces…and the problem will stay the same…in the Middle East…

The Middle East on hold…

At least this time, the world has a good reason to put the Middle East on the shelves…

We are facing a financial…followed by an economic crisis…

And we in the Middle East can wait for another year…why the rush...

We have been waiting for decades…another year won’t be a big deal…

Tzipi Livni should have listened to my advice…and go to Qatar to form a new government…