Tuesday, August 08, 2006

positive activism

Today I decided that I will boycott all the news channels and I will try to have a normal life as if the war did not exist. I got up at 8 o’clock for my morning shower, no electricity… and of course no hot water… I said to myself, no no no it has nothing to do with the war… It is a coincidence…
Go prepare your coffee… while drinking my French vanilla flavoured coffee on my balcony I looked at Beirut covered with black clouds… No no no it has nothing to do with the war… It is a coincidence…
I entered my living room, I wanted to read a book on the history of spices (well that was the only book that had nothing to do with the Middle East that I could find on the shelves)… I stared reading it smelling the cinnamon and the other exotic spices of the East… and guess what an Israeli fighter jet flew over my region… No no no it has nothing to do with the war… It is a coincidence…
I put on my clothes and decided to go for a frappucino and an oatmeal raisin cookie at Starbucks, on my way I saw very long queues of cars waiting in front of gas stations… No no no it has nothing to do with war… It is a coincidence…
Good news, I got the last piece of oatmeal cookie, oh lala I am so lucky…WOW
I went to the Canadian Embassy to get the immigration applications for me and my family… No no no, it has nothing to do with the war… It is a coincidence…
Oh my God, I don’t have enough gas in my car to reach my new safe house in the mountains; that means I have to find a gas station and queue for hours to be able to reach home, to join my son…
I counted 42 cars in front of my car at the gas station…No no no I can not take it anymore… No no no I can not ignore the war anymore…No one can ignore the war…It is in our faces everyday…
We have to stop accepting all this bullshit, we have to stop being passive and submissive to the will of the destroyers on both sides.
I heard a Lebanese blogger suggesting Lebanese and Israelis (who are against the war) to march simultaneously towards the borders… That is a positive activism… but unrealistic because the borders are very dangerous… However the spirit of this blogger is great and we should build on that and come up with a positive realistic action against the war.

Give me ideas...save me...save millions of people on both sides


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