Monday, June 04, 2007

The Six Day War: We learnt nothing

40 years ago the Arabs lost East Jerusalem...

40 years ago the Arabs refused to admit that Israel is there to stay…

40 years later still some stupid, opportunist, parasite leaders that have nothing to do with the Arabs believe that Israel will one day disappear…

40 years later still the problem of the Palestinian refugees is not solved in Lebanon…

40 years ago…it was June 1967…

Lebanon was not part of that war against Israel…but because of Abdel Naser ‘s megalomaniac schemes Lebanon paid the highest price…

Maybe East Jerusalem was lost…but the Lebanese lost a whole country…A nation…

I am not going to repeat all the disastrous decisions taken since 1969 (the Cairo agreement) till 2005 (the withdrawal of the Syrian Army from Lebanon)…

What I have to say is that the time has come to solve the issue of the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon…

I am very glad that the issue of Fatah El Islam and Jund E-Sham has taken this big of a dimension…The escalation is in our favor…

Yes, I am very sorry for our loss of the best fighters of the Lebanese Army but…

It was time to deal with the refugee camps…We couldn’t avoid the problem anymore…We couldn’t ignore the chaos inside the camps…

Avoiding a problem doesn’t mean the problem will be solved…( and I know what I am talking about)

After Fatah El Islam…The government should find a drastic solution to the refugees and it is about time to close the file…

40 years ago…it was June 1967…


Blogger Noun said...

i think that the palestinians are ungratfull to Lebanon, they should have helped the Lebanese army to finish on Fateh Al Islam.
I dont beleive they didn't noticed them implementing in their Camp. Yet, the Palestinians are in Charge inside the camps and didn't do nothing about it, so i think that what happened is their fault!!!

2:36 AM  

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