Monday, April 30, 2007

Winograd versus God

They say Israel is a democratic State…We don’t like it…

We say Israel is a racist, artificial, belligerent State in the heart of the Arab world…

Well, we in the Arab world are known for bullshiting (i.e. talking bullshit)

After the Summer War 2006, Israel formed the Winograd Commission to look into the failures of the war…

After the Summer War 2006, Hezbollah decided that it won a Godly protected War…

Oh, Ah!!! When God is involved we have to stay on the side…and this is what Hezbollah wanted us the Lebanese who suffered the consequences of a war that we didn’t want, to do…

Hezbollah wanted no Lebanese to cross-exam its decision to abduct the Israeli soldiers…

Hezbollah wanted no Lebanese to criticize…They wanted us to clap and cheer for its Godly pretentious victory…

Winograd spoke today…he blamed Olmert, Peretz and Halutz for the failures of the war…

Let’s wish God will speak and blame Nassrallah for the catastrophic effects of the abduction of the Israeli soldiers on July 12, 2006…


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