Thursday, May 03, 2007

Segolene on Top

The French presidential debate was great on Wednesday...

I enjoyed every bit of it...

It is true that Madame Royal had a shaky start but after 15 minutes of warm up...she showed her true and real "color"...

Madame Royal showed to everybody the kind of leaders we are in need in this crazy world we are living in especially since 9/11, 2001...

Madame Royal was sure of herself, very well prepared and aware of her files...She was talking with great confidence...and definitely she wasn't intimidated by Mr Sarkosy the demagogue...
Mr Sarkozy, the typical politician, the cow-boy type...

Madame Royal was not afraid to call him a liar when he was bluffing and lying...
She wasnt afarid to show her anger to defend a cause...and that is becoming very rare in politicians...

Again and again, Bravo Sego...

I hope the French people will not lose the opportunity to elect a president that is different than the cow-boy presidents riding their horses...

France is the craddle of revolutions...We are craving for revolutions these days


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