Thursday, April 12, 2007

Remembering the Lebanese Civil War

With sadness, bitterness and disappointment I write these few lines…

Today we remember the start of the civil war in Lebanon on 13 April 1975…

Yesterday, I watched “kalam annass” one of the leading political talk shows in Lebanon…

For 3 hours. I listened to the Lebanese calling in to share their fears and views about the next potential civil war in Lebanon…

Almost all of the callers, women, men, old, young…pretended to be against a new civil war BUT if they felt that their existence was in danger or if they felt that some “agents”= “traitors” will be forcing on them some unacceptable agendas…They were ready to fight…

They were all ready to fight for their existence, their rights…
They were all ready to fight for Lebanon’s identity (each seeing it differently)…
They were all ready to fight against injustice…

But these were the same reasons for the first civil war of 1975…and the experience showed that the result was disastrous…

No party was able to win…We all lost a country…

Who will be the new heroes of the potential civil war?

The stupidity of the Lebanese will be the next hero…
The short memory of the Lebanese will be the next hero…
The ignorance of the Lebanese will be the next hero…

Why do we always want to fight in this country?

People that never learn from past experiences will never be able to form a nation…


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