Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Remembering the Armenian Genocide:

Today is a sad day to millions of Armenians around the world...
Today we remember our 1.5 million dead, our martyrs of freedom...
It is a sad day... Another shameful day for the whole of Humanity...
I salute the souls of my great grandfathers and great grandmothers...


Blogger Richard said...

Abrees hokis.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Noun said...

I am sorry for the Armenian Genocide, known by the whole world!!!
I am sorry because some people were brainwashed, or at least fdorbidden to show sympathy or regrets towars the Armenians.

I respect the Armenian people who struglled and continue to exist despite immigration.

I respect their way of keeping their language and traditions alive.

And i respect how they show solidarity with each others in the diaspora.

12:31 AM  

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