Thursday, March 29, 2007

Orly Azoulay and the Arab Summit

Welcome to the Arab summit in Riyadh…

I was expecting it to be a boring summit…The most the Arab leaders will achieve is to revive the old peace initiative of 2002…

However, at night while I was watching the Jazeera news…something interesting and very interesting caught my eyes…
“An Israeli journalist of Yedioth Ahronoth with the Ban Ki-moon press delegation in Riyadh”...

Orly Azoulay has made history…She no longer will be just a simple journalist…

She is the first Israeli journalist to enter Saudi Arabia, openly…

She has broken one of the oldest, rusted barriers of them all… She has paved the way for a new sort of relations between Israelis and Arabs (besides Egyptians, Jordanians, Palestininians and Qataris).

After Saudi Arabia…the whole Arab world is open to you Ms Azoulay…

Take the next flight to Beirut with Ban Ki-moon…You will enjoy meeting the Lebanese politicians…the most mysterious creatures of all time…

Bravo Orly Azoulay…you added the spices needed to the tasteless Arab Summit…


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