Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Past...our comfort zone...a sign of failed societies

When the present is uncertain...the future is not bright...You go back to the past...

To the comfort zone...

You dont know the heard about read about it...

And you can add to it...making it "nice" and "glorious"...

And you can choose the past that you want to make your stop over...

Of course, as an Armenian, I will not choose the year 1915...which is the Genocide year...

Of course a Jew will not choose the second world war...which is the Holocaust years...

Of course an Arab will not choose 1948, or 1967 or 1982 or 1990 or 1996....years of wars and deceptions...

However, we go back to glorious pasts...

The Jewish communities all over will go back to the days of David and Salomon...

The Arab (especially Muslim) communities will go back to the days of the Prophet...

And I will go back to the days the Armenian empire was ruling the whole of the Middle East (sort of...),

I will go back to the first Crusaders Kingdom of Jerusalem that was ruled by Baldwin the first, who had as a wife an Armenian... which is one of the reasons why Armenians were granted so many privileges in the Holy City...

And I can go on and glorious days of the past...

But that is not the solution to solve the problems of today that will be lingering to the future if not solved correctly...

In a way, it is these glorious and shameful pasts that have led to a disastrous present that might lead to a NO-FUTURE...

So, back on your feet, the present is here...we have so many things to do...

Good morning, good afternoon and good night!


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