Friday, June 15, 2007

The Beirut Battle


Three battlefields that will determine the future of the whole Middle East for the coming decades…

It is not a secret to anyone that the chaos in the region is due to the fierce confrontation (or the new cold war) between the United States and Iran for the supremacy over the Middle East…

Baghdad fell in the hands of the Shia militias and Sunni extremists…

Gaza fell in the hands of Hamas…

The score is 2 to zero for the Iranian team…

Beirut is still fighting…Beirut is still resisting…Beirut is still refusing to fall in the hands of Hezbollah…in the hands of anti-American extremism…

The final battle- the mother of all battles- (you remember that expression!!??) will be in Beirut…

The establishment of the international tribunal by the U.N Security Council was a “penalty shoot” for the American team…but still the game “ain’t over” yet…

Losing Beirut to Iran will lead to an Iranian supremacy in the region…
Losing Beirut to Iran will lead to a new era of belligerence in the region…
Losing Beirut to Iran will lead to decades of insecurity and instability in the region…
Losing Beirut to Iran will be a disaster…
A disaster no one in the region can afford..
A disaster that the International Community can’t deal with…

The Beirut Battle will determine the face of the new Middle East…


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