Sunday, August 05, 2007

Cedars' hearts

This is for Hera, my sister…Screen to screen delivery…

We always wonder in Lebanon if our country is a place for the youth, for the young men and women who are willing to use all their knowledge, to put their positive energy in developing their country…

We have always been a country that exports young men and women to the Arab world, and the Americas (North and South)…

Where ever you go in the world, you meet successful Lebanese…

Even if they leave the country, even if sometimes they are depressed, even if sometimes they lose hope…Lebanon will always be in their hearts…

Lebanon will be their first love…

A love that is memorable, unforgettable…

I love my sister…She went to study in France, she worked there for a while but she always wanted to come back HOME…

Not my mom and dad’s home…she wanted to come back to her homeland…Lebanon

My sister is like thousands of Lebanese…Their love for Lebanon is beyond anything else…

So, no need to be afraid…the future will always be bright in this country…

We will always conquer the world with our bright minds…But no one can conquer the heart of these bright minds…Their hearts are taken…by the CEDARS…



Blogger Unknown said...

thank u sis!!! i love u 2.

6:24 AM  

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